So its near midnight and I find myself once again sitting at my desk, the same place I was hours ago, doing nothing world changing. Now of course not every day's choices to make a difference will be as obvious as others, but surfing the internet hours for boring things, just doesn't quite qualify. My brain is tired, my eyes are crossing, and yet as usual, my heart is full of passion. I'm nor quite sure what is up with me, but I believe my recent quick decline of energy each evening has something to do with leaving all I've been use to, moving to a new country, and beginning a new career. None the less, I don't think those are a good enough reason to let each evening waste away in front of a computer. I have been thinking a lot lately. I've been thinking about how short life is. How human each person is no matter how much others treat them as an idol, role model, hero, or whatever they may or may not actually be. I've been thinking how fast and yet slow at the same time college flew by, and no I wouldn't do it again if I had the chance. We are each given a short amount of time on this planet. I hope to spend as much of it as I can living up to the purposes God has for this gift He has entrusted to me called, "life". Hopefully my new regime of exercising three times a week and trying to eat healthier will soon catch up and give me a little boost of energy and focus to match my passion so that I can do more things for others instead of needing so much time to myself. Adjusting to this new culture has tended often leave me feeling drained and not wanting to talk to anyone at the end of the day. I love where I am. I love the people I'm around, and I have more to be thankful for than I could fit in the space allotted me, but I've been made a passionate man for a reason, and I know that man has more to share and give than he is, so by God's grace, power, help, guidance, love, strength, patience, and much more, I will.
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