Thursday, July 7, 2011

To: The one who won’t embrace love.

Response in letting love in: (Responsive thoughts evoked by your post from a friend, a brother, and one who shares in some of your frustrations, wonderings, and emotions.)
To: The one who won’t embrace love.
From: The one who (chooses not to) embrace(s) love
God did such an incredible job creating people. He created each one so uniquely that they could spend their whole life trying to understand the others and never succeed and yet so similar that they could understand enough to live peaceably with one another. I lay my uniqueness and commonalities at His feet in praise now. Praise be to the Lord God almighty for creating us to have a chance, and another, and another to serve him through His grace, for I am flawed, learning, and growing. In my opinion God doesn’t simply make works of art, He makes masterpieces. Try imagining Heaven like the most extravagant art gallery. In His gallery he has living masterpieces. Each masterpiece has its own special room. The line to get into the gallery goes out the majestic front doors, down the 7 flights of stairs, around the garden and slowly fades into the distance. Since He is omnipresent, God never leaves the gallery. Why in heaven would so many people stand in a line like that to see some work of art, or even a masterpiece when they could be riding cloud motorcycles, swimming in the pool, or even talking with God personally somewhere else in the kingdom? I’ll tell you why. This gallery is the only gallery where the same masterpiece is never the same as the day before. Not only that, but God is continuously working on each masterpiece simultaneously, twenty-four clouds a day, seven horizons a week. Unlike human works of art that can be studied over time and better understood, to truly enjoy His art, they have to be patient, for have the beauty and enjoyment is in the unknown, truly what is yet to come. In front of each masterpiece, and behind God, is a large seating area. Spirits, angels and other heavenly beings silently filter in and out of the rooms filled by the glory of God. For those simply in awe of the masterpieces the rooms are absolutely silent and filled with the awe and glory and light of His radiance. Simultaneously, those desiring to worship God through song/dance/painting are off stage left and right doing so on the easels and open space provided.
In His masterpiece room where you are the product of His creativity, glory, power, mercy and grace there is a plaque near the work.  This is a very special plaque for on it is your name. No not Chelsea, your heavenly name, the one that only you will know once you see the finished product after arriving there. For everyone else there is the name in which you now go by, and it truly is a beautiful name: Chelsea. I don’t have the solutions for those who experience solitude and hate it, or solitude and love it. I don’t have answers for those who can’t love others, those who can’t love themselves, or those who don’t realize yet the reason they can’t love or be loved by others is because they don’t love themselves. I don’t know why you or anyone else is where they are, or why they are there. Like any human I can speculate and waste time, which I do time to time. Instead of allowing such thoughts to consume your mind, I joyfully encourage you with the LOVE of Christ that fills my heart for you. The difference today between me and others who read and cherished or partially understood your post is not that I care more about you. It is not that I love you more. It is not because, because, because, because….. It is because you need to know that you are completely different from everyone else around you. It is because you need to know that you are the same as everyone else around you. You are a different Masterpiece, maybe a sculpture instead of a painting. Perhaps a relief sculpture, or a modern body paint work, I don’t know. At the same time you are the same as everyone else around you in that you are a Masterpiece. Many, if not all, Masterpieces continually wonder if they are the only one of their kind, and that no one sees them. They get misconceptions of the Masterpiece room they are in, and those in it. They get confused because they can’t see past the current walls. And you know what, they don’t know about the line of people waiting to come watch God work on you. I’m not certain my train of thought is easy to follow, but I encourage you to ponder it. I don’t know what it will take for you to love yourself, God’s creation, but I can tell you that you can’t/won’t be able to do it alone; I know I haven’t been able to. You are loved so very much by God almighty, and many of the things you believe about yourself, which are negative and self defeating, are not true, nor are they honoring to God. Take time daily to listen. Let me redefine that. Take time each day to LISTEN to God, to stand in Awe of Him, His creation, His details. I have a long way to go in “understanding how to love myself” as well, and it is HARD. We can’t see past the walls, but He sees and knows all. I find I began to be able to love the parts of God’s hands in my life more and more, the more I focus on, listen to, study, listen to, pray, listen to, stand in awe of, listen to, and praise Him in all He is.
Peace be with you, for you are truly a beautiful Masterpiece of the Highest power of all the universe and galaxies!
Your brother in CHRIST,
Kris Wiens
P.S. Your standards and expectations are not ridiculous, they are truly inspired by God’s word, and therefore, breathtakingly beautiful, truly a breath of fresh air. Peace be with you.

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