First of all I have to give a shout out to my brother Shawn, happy birthday bro, I love you!
Korea: It is a beautiful day here in Cheonan South Korea! The sun is shining, the flowers have bloomed, and clothing styles are changing from spring to summer. Soon the school semester will be over, in about 4 weeks, and I will then teach summer classes, which all students are expected to come to but only a few will show up for. Since my contract entails that I must have my TESOL training to teach in South Korea I will be finishing the second half of that class during one of my two weeks of summer break. During the year of teaching I am given 4 weeks of vacation officially, so I will be compensated and get my other three free weeks toward the end of my contract.
Me: I am doing pretty good! I am so much to be thankful for. I have a wonderful family, friends, and a God who decided that even though I've royally messed up in life more than once, His grace is sufficiaent in my weakness and I am perfect in His sight through His blood's grace and forgiveness. The older I become the more precious each year is. I've continually been reminded by observing others' lives and my own that the most valuable asset we have that can never be replaced, renewed, or taken away is the amount of time God has decided to allow us on this earth. Life is so fleeting. I think it is so important to give as much as we can to those around us in patience, grace, and all other things... in short,... love.
School: My first year teaching is going great! I love my students and feel so very blessed to work in the school and environment I do! I have great co-teachers who have confidence in me and my abilities and trust my judgment in what needs to be taught. If I ever need assistance, they are there in a heartbeat. I do continue to feel my heart go out to all the students though. It is difficult to watch their childhood be replaced with schooling ALL THE TIME day and night with regular schooling, academies for certain subjects, and then studying in their junior and senior year which determines the University they will attend, and how much respect will be given to them and their family name.
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