Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What is love?

I have a question for you. What do you define love as? I doubt many will take the time to actually think about this. Why? Is it because they don't know? Is it because they are afraid it might be something they don't have? Or is it simply because they don't understand it?
I love you.


Nate said...

To love someone is to will to do what is best for them. (Dallas Willard)

To love Jesus is to obey his commandments. (John 14:15)

BatmanWiens said...

From what I gather, Love is so complex and yet simple thing. From human experience I compile my opinions to equal one solution, we don't know. To humans Love is a great many things, but is it possible that those many things are rather different facets of a larger diamond. I believe this diamond of love will is not fully understandable by the human mind. I do believe that it will be possible one day in eternity though. Until then, I will attempt to enjoy Love's many facets.